I’ve Beaten the Spam!

Hello there!

Well, I know it’s been a while.  You all know that I don’t blog every day, only when I’ve got something to say and it’s not that I haven’t had anything to say for the last twelve days, but rather that I just couldn’t face the barrage of spam messages that came to www.elainespires.co.uk every time I wrote a blog post.  One morning there were fifty-three – yes, that’s FIFTY-THREE!!!! – that had dropped in overnight.  All claiming to have read my blog and “loved it, babe!” or “you make very valid points” or even “your arguementations are validatiary and amusingly written for your lectors.” (I kid you not!!) and then went on to offer me everything from fake Gucci bags to Viagra.  I didn’t want to stop you all being able to post comments and so I turned to the wonderful Lisa at Vanilla Gecko (www.vanillagecko.co.uk) who does all my website stuff and she’s sorted it all out for me.  So no more spam!  Woo hoo!

So, C-day is fast approaching.  A very nostalgic, sentimental time of year and this year, especially poignant for me because it’ll be the first one without Mum.  I’ve already found myself in tears several times; once when I saw the Christmas cards for Mum and Dad in Tesco’s and it dawned on me that I haven’t got a Mum or a Dad to send one to, and then again watching the Nativity play on This Morning and when reading the lovely words my friend Vikki had written in my Christmas card.  And, of course, after hearing about the shooting at the school in Conneticut and the theft of the present for kids who are too ill to go home for Christmas from Great Ormond Street.  What is wrong with people?  However great your need, how can you steal from sick kids?

I put up a little Christmas tree this morning.  As I did so I was reminded of Joyce’s Christmas Decorations in What’s Eating Me.  A reader told me that she has a neighbour like Joyce who goes totally over the top with outside decorations at Christmas,  Poor woman!

And so, not only does C-Day draw nearer, but so does T-Day!!  It’s this Friday.  I’ll definitely let you know the outcome of that, immediately.  And especially as my blog is now a spam-free zone!

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2 thoughts on “I’ve Beaten the Spam!

  1. Elaine, how did you get on…hope it went your way, Had Christmas card from Marta and Paco they are spending Christmas with their daughter and Husband in Madrid and wait for it their GRANDAUGHTER….Paco a Grandpop…I know its a bad time 28 December is Mums anniversary, but hey christmas is soon over and we are back to diets again….take care and hope to see you soon
    J&J xxx

    • Hi, Joan!

      Happy Christmas to you and John, too! I’m preparing a blog about what happened at the Tribunal. It’ll be published later today.
      E xx

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