It Was the Year When…

At the start of a new year it’s easy to fall into the trap of making resolutions that there isn’t a cat in hell’s chance of you keeping.  And believe me, this is the Voice of Experience talking.  I’ve lost count of the number of New Year’s Eves when I would binge eat because as soon as I woke up on 1st January I was going to go on the diet to end all diets; The Diet That Would Make Me Skinny By My Birthday In March.  Of course, after two days of no carbs, or no fats, or no solids before 4pm, or strict calorie counting I was feeling so depressed and deprived that I’d binge eat again and that would be that!  Now, of course, I can laugh at my ludicrous behaviour, but it’s not just changes to diet that most people decide on, it’s so many areas of our lives that are under the microscope at this time of year.  We decide to get fit enough to run a marathon, or stop smoking, or cut down on drinking.  All we really need to do, though, in my opinion, is to make full use of the word MODERATION.  I am a firm believer in Everything in Moderation.  Now, I’m the first to say that it’s a word that was missing from my vocabulary for most of my life.  I never knew what moderation meant but I certainly knew what excess meant!

Now, though, I really do believe that life is meant to be ENJOYABLE; we are all entitled to spend our time on things that give us pleasure and I do that.  But I also add a dash of moderation, because I know how easy it is for me to tip over into excess.  And during 2013 I did my best to enjoy myself.

It wasn’t always easy as I lost six dear, dear people in the space of five months; my cousins Colin and Tess, my ex-sister-in-law, Teresa and my friends, Jean, Denny and John and the world is a much sadder place without them all. But their sad passing reinforced my belief in enjoying every single moment of my life; not wasting time.

I spent three holidays at my beloved Avocado Cottage during which time I got on with the playscript for Singles’ Holiday and advanced Singles in India to the point where I was actually able to complete it by yesterday – woo hoo!  My fourth novel – I’m so very excited about it and already have novel no 5, novel no 6 and two e-books whirring round in my brain.  These visits also gave me a great opportunity to catch up with girlfriends, especially other writers whose company and support I cherish.  But some of the things that went on with utilities companies and shoddy work by tradesmen put a bit of a damper on my enjoyment sometimes.  In fact, add another book to the list – the Building of Avocado Cottage is a story that you couldn’t make up!

It was the year when I really did start to upgrade my life; to invest in myself BECAUSE I’M WORTH IT!!

It was the year that I went back into the West End as Ladykillers was remounted at the Vaudeville this time.  Working with a different cast in a different theatre meant that it was almost like being in a different show – I had a great time.  If only Miss Riley, the Careers Advisor, who told me when I was 14 that “girls from Dagenham don’t go to RADA or act in the West End” could have seen me.  But she must be long dead, poor woman.  Or she’d be about a hundred and ten! 

It was the year when my gorgeous fascinator got its own photo at my friends’ Michelle and Trevor’s wedding; the year when I got a new agent; the year when I won the Award for Best Comedy Performance at the Anna Scher Theatre Festival of Plays.

It was the year of Bravissimo and the iPad – both of which have changed my life beyond belief.  I now wear bras that fit, which has meant more comfort and a waistline appearing.  And how did I ever exist without my iPad?  Truly, both have made me a different woman!

It was the year that brought Nick Campbell back into my life and led to us forming Melabeau Productions, the company staging Singles’ Holiday during 2014.  It also gave me the chance to work with a hugely talented group of actors who believe in us, which is really, really exciting.

It was the year when I caught a glimpse of the scary, sad, sick on-line-forum-world of the Strictly Come Dancing fanatic, and it wasn’t pretty.  In fact, seeing how out of touch with reality these people are is quite depressing.  Still, if they’re happy…..

It was a year of ups and downs for those close to me, but one which brought home to me the value of true friendship and just how lucky I am to have a supportive family.  I might not continually tell the Daughter, the Sister, the Brother, the Sister-in-Law, the Nephews and the larger family I love them, but I know they know I do.

It was the year that I discovered just what a hero my grandfather, Albert Spires had been in WWI. (See my November blogpost Grandad) And I also learned things about my own dad.  I knew he’d been in the Merchant Service during WWII and that was an act of bravery in itself, but only found out from my Uncle Tony how he’d gone with my Nan and Auntie Winnie to see Dad off on a train to Liverpool where he was to join his ship as part of the North Atlantic Convoy.  Knowing the danger he was facing, my Nan and Auntie were in floods of tears, certain they would never see him again.  He boarded the train and after a few minutes got off again, leading all the other sailors behind him.  The seats on the train had all been reserved for American servicemen.  Dad wasn’t having that so he organised a walk-out.  Seats for them were soon found.  He was sixteen-years old.  It’s easy to see how he became a shop steward and why he was a lifelong socialist. 

And it was the year when I continued to blog and love every comment and message you sent me.  Thank you all so much for continuing to read my journal.

And it was the year that I ended weighing twelve pounds less than I had when it started.  I don’t want to make too much of that, but I note it!

And so for 2014 I’m visualising wonderful things – things that I really want to happen for me.  I know exactly where I want to be this time next year, so WATCH THIS SPACE!

And whatever you wish for yourselves is my wish for you for 2014.

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2 thoughts on “It Was the Year When…

  1. I really look forward to reading your blogs Elaine, and I enjoy everyone. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year and hope to see you in 2014 xxx

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