Golden Saturday

Yesterday was a truly Golden Saturday. It was, first of all, a glorious, early-Autumn day which involved a drive through Epping Forest to the Owl Pub where we were having a Spires’ Get-Together. Now these are always Golden Occasions because I just love being with my large, lively, loud extended family. It was just beautiful seeing four of the remaining Aunties and Uncles – Auntie Audrey, Uncle Stan, Uncle Tony and Auntie Betty. I’m never happier than when I’m in their company, listening to stories of family scandals and anecdotes and, for a couple of hours, it makes me feel closer to my Dad – Uncle Ron – who left us far too early. I have cousins galore, though, to make up for the lack of Uncles and Aunties and in spite of some being in hospital, on holiday or playing in golf tournaments, there was a great turnout.

The reason for all meeting up was because our cousin, Jacqueline Golden, was on holiday in UK from her home in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. Jackie is Golden by name and Golden by nature. She is a gorgeous woman in every sense of the word. Bright, lively, intelligent and fun, she could easily pass for at least fifteen years younger than her age. We screamed with laughter as we discussed toyboys and travel and shed tears together talking about Dad and distances. The afternoon flew by, as time does when it’s spent with people you love. She is now planning a trip to Antigua and Uncle Stan (87 coming up 56) reckons he’s coming with her. That would be fun!

And I want to give a big shout-out to my cousins Steve and Bernie, who are doing a fund-raising walk for Diabetes today.  Well done!!  And also to my cousin Jeff whose book, How to Succeed in Life and Happiness, I’m reading at the moment.  It contains some fabulous nuggets of wisdom and I’m getting a lot from it.  Keep up the great work, Jeff!

Jackie with Uncle Stan (l) and Uncle Tony

Jackie with Uncle Stan (l) and Uncle Tony

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