Indulge me!


Yes!  Today I’m on my soapbox!  I’m trying to be mindful – as the Daughter likes to remind me – that this is a journal not a rant, but for today – indulge me!

As regular readers know,I stopped listening to, watching and reading the news because the manipulation of the media offends me,  But over the last week or so I’ve been driving a lot and I can’t drive in silence, so I listen to the radio in the car.  And, I’ve read the odd paper, too, lately going on the train and waiting in the Green Room.  But this time I don’t feel manipulated just completely and utterly wound up!

First of all there’s Nick Clegg’s 5p charge on a plastic bag to save the planet.  Now there’s something to be remembered for, isn’t it?  The man who’s prepared to get into bed with anyone – metaphorically – to keep his tiny little party in power announced this with pride at the Lib-Dem Conference.  What a load of rubbish!  If I go into a shop to buy something I expect it to be put into a bag.  Am I supposed to continually carry a bag-for-life – which I’ve had to pay for, too, – around with me in case I suddenly make an unexpected purchase?  Why don’t they give everyone two free bags if it’s only about the planet and not a means of raising revenue?  And do you really believe the money will go to charity?  Which charity?  Why not simply ban all plastic bags completely?  Whatever happened to service?

And talking about service – that brings me to Tesco’s again.  Our local 24-hour Tesco only has self-serve check-outs open after 10pm.  And they’ve now taken up a whole section of the store for Scan-It-Yourself Shopping.  This involves taking a scanner round with you and zapping everything you put into your bags inside the trolley.  Then, when you get to the Scan-It-Yourself Check-out Area, a member of staff will re-scan anything from one or two items to the whole trolley-full.  I asked a supervisor what the advantage was.  “Speed,” she replied.  How can having your whole shop re-scanned be quicker?  What would be quicker would be if they manned every check-out most of the time with another member of staff packing.  That’s what you call service.  I don’t go into a shop to serve myself and pay for a bag.  End of.

Then, I heard a debate on the Jeremy Vine Show on Radio Two about a woman, who’s a defendant in an intimidation trial, who’s refusing to remove her veil.  The Judge has let her have her way.   Well, she must be guilty mustn’t she?  I mean, even the Judge is intimidated by her!

But seriously, what planet are we all living on?  I couldn’t believe my ears some of the rubbish that was being spewed out on Vine’s programme.  It was made very clear by an Iman that the Koran does not mention women wearing veils.  In fact, women cannot go to Mecca wearing a veil or pray five times a day wearing a veil.  Women wear veils because the men in their lives insist on it.  And that’s archaic.  And it’s also ridiculous to scream “human right to wear a veil”.  We are talking about a Court of Law.  Is it okay to turn up for your trial wearing a balaclava then?

And one or two e-mailed the programme or messaged through Facebook, saying “We are too intolerant of other people in this country.”   I nearly drove off the road when I heard that!   We are the most tolerant nation on Earth which is why stupid, time-wasting incidents like this happen.

And a college in Birmingham has caved into the complaint by a girl who was thinking of applying but said she would be discriminated against because she liked to wear a veil and the college has a no-veil rule.  A college has to be an open place where everyone can see everyone else.  Boys can’t sit in lectures with their hoodies up and scarves across their faces so why should girls?

Enough already!

Come to our country and practise your religion in your own home – whatever that religion may be.  But obey the laws of the country and keep religion – all religion – out of schools, colleges, shops, offices, banks and law courts.  Why are some minorities treated with kid gloves?  Let’s have true equality for everyone.  Or let’s have a defendant turn up in a motorcycle helmet or a balaclava and see what M’Lud has to say about that!  Unfortunately our MPs lack the balls of the French and wouldn’t even consider bringing in a no-veil law. 

And while I’m still on my soapbox – can someone tell me why c2c trains have a Quiet Zone when they’re not prepared to have someone on the train to make sure it is a Quiet Zone?  Every time I travel home on the train I get into the Quiet Zone.  Why do I bother?  There is ALWAYS someone talking on a phone who makes no attempt whatsoever to even speak quietly.  And if there’s only one person you’re lucky.  Sometimes there are four or five.  And a couple of times the driver’s had a mate in the front with him and their conversations (and the language!) carry through the separating door.  It’s crazy!

So – answers on a postcard, please.

And breathe!

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3 thoughts on “Indulge me!

  1. I am totally with you here! We had an incident at Elenas secondary school! An African boy was struggling with mats and the teacher had asked her to help him! The boy looked at my daughter and told her “I don’t speak to people who are not of my colour!” His words!!!!! Now, my reaction was to cry racism at the boy, as he was clearly being prejudice against my daughter and “our colour!”
    When bringing it up with my daughters form tutor i was to that, he didn’t mean it like that and that we have to be respectful of everyone beliefs!
    Now, had it been my daughter saying that to the boy, would the schools response have been the same?

  2. That made me smile. People say i sound like Victor Meldrew at times.Well if that be the case i think your Victoria Meldrew. Very funny as always Elaine x

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