The Company of Women

I’ve had the loveliest few days in the company of girl-friends.  There is nothing quite as satisfying as a good old belly-laugh together and at the same time, when women who are on the same wave-length, whatever their background, colour, religion or circumstances get together and support and encourage each other, something magical happens.

I am truly blessed to have amazing women in my life, both in England and in Antigua.  They, too, have taken leaps of faith to leave jobs and/or situations where they weren’t valued, or that were no longer healthy for them or conducive to their well-being.  Having a First Class Honours Degree in taking a leap of faith (or foolishness as some people told me it was) several times in my life, I admire and love them all the more.

Lunch with my old pal BP was beyond lovely.  A talented European, she took a giant leap of faith four years ago (“OMG! Four years!  It can’t be!” we screamed as we sat rocking on the veranda).  She’s been through the famine or feast scenario of so many, many writers but is now embracing success and we discussed so many things, including how to make money for yourself rather than being exploited by others.  After she’d gone, I was on a real high and so was she as she e-mailed to tell me later.  I love her company; I love her support; I love her sense of humour and we’ve now decided to Skype each other every week… sorry!  CORRECTION! to hold a VIDEO-CONFERENCE every week, to report back to each other the progress we’ve made in moving towards our goals.

Then yesterday I had a lovely long meet-up with M A.  She and I were acquaintances really, until recently when we both discovered we were following the same philosophy and were exactly on the same wavelength.  It was so exciting to sit and chat and find all the similar threads and experiences that our seemingly-different lives had running through them.  She is awe-inspiring in her self-belief and the way she lives her life and I’m so, so glad that we’re friends and that we’re making plans together.  Love you, M!

And then there’s the lovely S.  My neighbour, without whose help I don’t know what would have become of Avocado Cottage sometimes.  We had a great evening last week (last week already! – the days are passing too fast!) drinking rose and eating cheese and biscuits and yesterday we had lunch at Subway (we know how to have a good time!) during which we discussed depression, which I’ve suffered a mild form of for a long time ( Thanks for the happy herbs, by the way, Martine!  They’re working wonders!) and also much lighter subjects as we wolfed down our subs before going to Bargain Centre to buy materials for the work I’m having done at Avocado Cottage today.  She knows I HATE going there; it’s like going through the wardrobe to Narnia.  Nothing makes sense to me.  I stand in front of rows and rows of screws and nails wailing “Which ones?  Which ones?”  And they NEVER have what I need to buy.  And yesterday was no exception, so I was glad S was with me to sort it all out.  (I wish Antiguan workmen would buy all the materials themselves.  Just not the custom to, I suppose.)

And tonight I’m meeting up with J H – another immensely talented writer whose presence inspires me, and before I leave I just HAVE TO see Heather, my wonderful Maisie, because it’s been far, too long and she’s had so much to deal with that I just want to give her a big, big, hug.

Girlfriends – I love you all!

And in between all this socialising and, of course, writing, I finished reading Comedy and Error: They Really Were Marvellous Times, Simon Day’s autobiography.  I had the pleasure of working alongside Simon on the Ladykillers and he really is a thoroughly-nice, likeable, intelligent, genuinely-funny man.  I just wish I’d read his book while we were still on the show because I would have loved to have discussed it with him.  It had some real laugh-out-loud moments and it is brutally honest; not in the I’m-oout-to-shock-everyone mode, but just because that’s the way Simon is.  I was never really a Fast Show fan, but through working with him I became a huge Simon fan.  The book is a great read and I could hear his voice the whole way through.  I marvel that he’s still alive!

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