Sara Gibbs

I can’t believe how lucky we are that SARA GIBBS is joining us today! Sara Gibbs is a twenty-something freelance features journalist, PR gal and the editor of popular UK lifestyle blog, Darling Lovely Life:  She lives with her husband John and four cats in Surrey, England.  You can follow Sara on and

ES: Where did you spend your last holiday and why did you choose to go there?
SG: My last holiday was an absolutely epic road trip across the US. My husband and I had quite a difficult first year of marriage, caring for and subsequently losing my dad six months after our wedding. As a result, we were too stressed and worried to really enjoy our actual honeymoon, so this road trip represented a fresh start and the shedding of all of the difficulties that had come before it. It was absolutely worth it, soaring down the beautiful US coastal Route 1, spending glorious nights under the stars in Death Valley and taking in the best of kitsch Americana on Route 66. I’ll always remember it as the trip that made our marriage.

ES: That sounds amazing!  What’s your favourite type of holiday? And your least favourite?SG: My favourite type of holiday is one with quirky, cool places to stay, lots of nature and wildlife and things to see and do. I’m not somebody who can flop on the beach for two weeks and relax! My least favourite type of holiday is probably a package holiday or something with cheesy group activities. I like to do my own thing and I’m not very good at enforced fun!

ES: Where did you spend your best ever holiday and what made it so memorable?

SG: As corny as it sounds, my best ever holiday was the road trip. It was such a diverse trip that no two days were the same, the landscape was constantly changing and I got to spend two and a half weeks in a car with the person I love the most in the world.

ES:  Aww, that’s lovely!  Any holiday or travel disasters?

SG: When I was twelve, I went on my first solo trip to Washington DC to visit a school friend who had moved there with her family. The holiday was fine until the last few days when I caught some terrible norovirus-type bug that was doing the rounds. I was violently ill, to the extent that doctors were worried I had meningitis. Luckily, I recovered just in time to catch my flight home, but I’ll never forget how unwell and homesick I felt at the time.

ES: Tell us about a place you long to visit and the reasons why.

SG: There are so many places that I want to see that it’s hard to narrow it down. I would love to see the northern lights, or visit the Amazon rainforest. I’m obsessed with nature and naturally occurring phenomena, unique eco systems and generally spectacular places.
ES: I think I already know the answer to this, but, who’s your favourite travelling companion(s) or do you prefer your own company?

SG: I love travelling with my husband, he grew up all over the world and is a licensed pilot, so he’s great for calming my flying nerves and also is fantastic at getting around new places. We have a lot of fun together and hey, it gives us something to talk about until the next holiday.
ES: Ever had a holiday romance? Details, please!

SG: I don’t know if it counts as a romance, but I had my very first kiss on holiday when I was in my early teens. I was so embarrassed that I ran away and, of course, immediately documented the experience in my diary.

ES: Ha ha! How would you spend your dream twenty-four hours if you could travel to multiple, worldwide destinations with no travel restrictions?
SG: I would go to Australia and do the Neighbours tour. I’m that cool.

ES: What tip or piece of advice would you give to holidaymakers and/or travellers?

SG: If you want to go somewhere, save up and go. Life’s too short to spend dreaming of places you’ll never see.

Fabulous advice!  Thank you so much Sara!

Eating delicious ice-creams with husband John on their USA holiday.

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One thought on “Sara Gibbs

  1. What a lovely post. Sara, I’m sorry you lost your dad but it sounds like your road trip was amazing and what a way to cement your marriage after such an emotional time. I hope you and hubby have many fabulous road trips ahead. Really enjoyed reading your answers, thanks for sharing xx

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