Four Days Already!

We are four days into 2015 already!  And these days have brought very different mornings; one bright, sunny, frosty; one dull and overcast; one pouring with rain and this morning…….fog!  Amazing!  I am one of those people considered strange by many, who actually likes different weather.  One of the things I really love about living in England is the change of seasons, especially Autumn.  I love Autumn.  I love the colours, the ‘mists and mellow fruitfulness’ of it all and the fact that it is the run-up to Christmas.  Don’t get me wrong, I do love the sunshine, but sometimes when I’m in Antigua and we’re on our twenty-fifth cloudless-blue-sky-day, I yearn for some rain and cloud; a bit of grey sky.  And, of course, one reason why I love the torrential rain that often falls on Antigua is because the result is usually the most amazing rainbow.  I adore rainbows; they are my special,magical ‘thing’; a sign from Mother Nature – my own special Higher Power – that all is as it should be in the Universe; a personal sign to me of hope and abundance.  On my first of many, many visits to Antigua I stayed at what was to become my home-from-home – Jolly Beach – and remember actually gasping as we drove in through the gates and I saw the resort logo – a rainbow.  I was somewhere I was meant to be.

Today, I’m meant to be having lunch with one of my oldest friends, Michael.  We don’t see each other that often as he lives abroad, but when we meet up it’s just like the last time we met up was last week, so I’m really looking forward to that.  I had a great lunch yesterday with another lovely friend, Kerry.  I couldn’t believe it had been eighteen months since we’d last seen each other. We made up for it and it was great seeing her again.  And on New Year’s Day I also had an amazing awayday at my friend Lyn’s meeting up again with two people I hadn’t seen for a long, long, time: her husband, Joey, and her dad – Sir Reginald – a fab 85-year-old gentleman, who still has a wicked sense of humour, who had me in stitches the whole day.  I am blessed when I think of all the friends and wonderful people I know and am so grateful for them and the real riches their presence brings to my life.

Something else I’m grateful for – the Musketeers is back on TV!  What was Sunday night eye-candy becomes Friday night eye-candy.  The only downer was that the new series opened with the funeral of Cardinal Richlieu so there was no Peter Capaldi, probably because he’s been very busy – and very thin! – being Doctor Who.  But the main four are all still there, together with Hugo Spear and they provide an hour of swash-buckling escapism.  Love it!

It’s also looking good TV-wise for the whole of this week – and the next few weeks – with the return of Foyle’s War, Silent Witness, Broadchurch and Death in Paradise.  And………whisper it………it’s rumoured that two final episodes of Luther are going to be made later this year!!!!! I had a real Lutherfest on the days I had some time to myself over Christmas and New Year, watching my Series 1-3 Box Set.  Whoarrrr!

And so, it’s all over.  I have to get back into writer mode and start working on my three projects again as I don’t want them to be only projects – I want to see them all through to fruition.  As I said at the beginning of this blog – it’s already January 4th.  Christmas got a bit lost in the panto this year and today I am convinced more than ever that Time is actually speeding up.  That said, I’d better get my skates on or I’ll be late for lunch!

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