So, today is 31st December; here we are at the end of our journey through 2015. It’s the day we reflect on the past and make promises to ourselves and others about the future. I know myself well-enough not to make resolutions; I have learned from bitter experience that it’s just giving myself another reason to beat myself up for being a failure, having no will-power, being useless and worthless in the first few weeks of the incoming year. I do, though, send love and best wishes to all those who are making resolutions today.
For me 2015 was a mixed year, although compared to some of my friends and loved-ones who had an absolutely dreadful year, I have little to complain about really. My hand op was the low point; being unable to do anything for myself was scary and depressing. Creatively, I am disappointed with myself for falling so behind with The Banjo, but I did produce Weak At The Knees, my Valentine’s novela and Holiday Reads 2, my second book of short stories. Rejection from a publishing house was another disappointment, but it goes with the territory. If I don’t like the heat, why put myself in the kitchen? (Although it was the wording of the rejection that was unpleasant, more so than the rejection itself!) So in 2016 I will just carry on writing, for me primarily.
After the bittersweet experience of directing Cinderella I absolutely loved directing Vagina Monologues for Melabeau Productions at the Brentwood Theatre. It was a special honour to work with the four fab actors that are Feyi Babalola, Julie Barker, Theresa Cole and Anna Karen.

My Wonderful Vaginas, (l to r) Theresa Cole, Feyi Babalola, Anna Kare and Julie Barker
And then there was Into The Woods…..

Our Fabulous Cast
And then acting in Dancing Years and Wartime Fears for Pete Hewitt was an unforgettable experience. Magic.
I learned during this year, especially in December, that my family is EVERYTHING. My trip to Stockholm with the Daughter and the Sister was just the best time

Glogg at 11am on a cold, Stockholm Sunday morning!
and so was Christmas when the Brother and Nephews joined us in the Sister’s Clacton Santa’s Grotto. Love them all so much!
I know I am blessed to have such a great family and extended family, too, who I don’t see as often as I’d like, but just love the times we do spend together.
It can all get a bit maudlin sometimes on New Year’s Eve, can’t it? I will try to avoid that by saying

Yep! Continually fabulous me!
And in 2016, well, I will write and create like the clappers; I will continue to dance to my own drum; to live my life on my own terms and to live with other people’s disapproval, for that is true freedom. And whatever next year may bring me, I know that on New Year’s Eve 2016, I’ll still be here, having got through it all one way or another because something always turns up; the Universe always provides. And I will raise a glass tonight to all my family and friends; to my country, which I love!, in the hope that sanity prevails and saves it from itself. And to me, too, because I do believe in myself and I also believe the best is yet to come.
Happy New Year to you all!!

Happy New year!
A great journal Elaine. I totally agree with you. I’ve never made new year resolutions. If you want to make changes to your life then just do it at any time of the year. Your performance in dancing years and wartime fears was awesome. Thank you once again. All our love and heres to a fab 2016!! The Hewitts xx
Thanks, Carol! Much love xx
Absolutely hit nail on head Elaine hope you have a wonderful 2016
Thanks, Marion. Happy New Year to you all. Give Freddie a big kiss from me xx
Well you are certainly not a failure, useless or worthless so don’t ever think that!!! Keep writing, I love your books all the good writers have dealt with rejection (as I’m sure you know 😆) Here’s to a wonderful 2016 onwards and upwards dear heart! Lol xx
Aww, thank you, Wendy! Hope 2016 is much better for you xxx
Happy New Year to you too. Can’t wait to read The Banjo when it is published. One of the main reasons I like reading Martina Cole is because you recognise the places she talks about xx
HNY to you all, too! Xxx
Lovely journal Elaine, hope you have a healthy and peaceful year with no problems and lots of laughs from the “Spanglish days” xx
A bit late I know Elaine, but Happy New Year to you. I look forwards to reading your blogs in the coming months and hope to see you soon xxx
Thanks, Jo. Happy New Year to you, too, and yes, I hope we see each other very soon xx