The Longest Piece of Antiguan String

I am determinded to at least start this post with positive news. Yesterday Veronique and I had the most productive writing day. Hooray!! We worked solidly on our latest project and are both thrilled and satisfied with where we are with it.

I can hear you asking, “What is it?” And my answer is……. You’ll have to wait and see!

Re Singles Series Book Five, well, things are not moving, I’m afraid; or on The Banjo Book Two. Sorry. There are too many things whizzing round in my head for me to be able to sit down and give both projects the attention they deserve. Please bear with me. I promise to make the wait worthwhile.

So, as you can probably guess, my life is still up in the air. The sale of Avocado Cottage is at a standstill. We are in the ‘extended finalisation period’ yet are still waiting for the Attorney General to sign my Certificate of Compliance. Apparently his secretary can’t even tell my solicitor whether or not it’s been vetted. And the buyers’ people aren’t ready to finalise either and their first mortgage repayment was due today! They’re expected to start paying back an amount they haven’t yet been loaned. It all beggars belief. How can something take so bloody long? How long is a piece of Antiguan string?

This is how I feel…

This photo, which popped up on my Facebook feed today, shows exactly how I feel. I am depressed and despondent. I can’t do anything until the sale finalises and I have some money. My house in Dagenham is in desperate need of a complete refurb before I can move in. To say it was left in a disgusting state is an understatement. The management agent has a lot to answer for. They were supposed to have carried out regular inspections. Well if they did and if they thought the condition of the house was acceptable, then I’d like to see their own homes.

Fortunately, my lovely cousin S has got on with stripping the walls and ripping up the carpets – I’m glad he’s been vaccinated! – and his cousin A has fixed the boiler, flushed out the system and replaced the leaking radiators all ‘on account’. I am beyond grateful for that. And for the Sister who continues to house me. What would I do without my wonderful family and friends?

And I’m just itching to be in the black again so that I can go and visit that beautiful Daughter of mine.

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